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Now is the time to sell your spare parts!

Are you in doubt whether you should sell your spare parts? Maybe you don’t have the time to list your inventory, you’re not sure whether it will actually sell or you don’t think it’s worth the effort? Doubt no longer. Due to a global shortage of spare parts, the time to sell yours has never been better!


Many people in the agricultural sector are confronted with a shortage of spare parts. This is caused by a number of factors, such as worldwide labor shortages due to low pay. Michiel Nijhuis, one of the founders of BartsParts, notices this as well. ‘Lately, the number of purchases through BartsParts has increased substantially. More and more dealers are buying through BartsParts, given the fact that they cannot find their parts through common channels.’ With common channels, you can think of local dealers or ‘regular’ webshops.

Everything you need

BartsParts is everything but a a local dealer or regular webshop. BartsParts allows access to more than 1.000 warehouses spread across Europe, gathered in one place: online, where buyers and sellers unite. You can find practically everything you need, from the biggest machines to the smallest parts. Imagine you need a very specific spare part for your tractor, but you are one of the few users of that brand in your area. Chances are low you’ll find the spare part at your local dealer due to the spare part shortage. But try BartsParts and you’ll find more than 1.000 dealers that are currently selling beyond 1.000.000 unique parts!

Help fellow farmers

Long story short: if you need spare parts, BartsParts is the ideal solution. But BartsParts could not exist without sellers. Michiel: ‘By publishing your (excess) stock on BartsParts, you can help fellow dealers and farmers that cannot find their parts elsewhere. It’s a solidarity. What’s more, not only do you help your colleagues, but at the same time you can get rid of your spare parts, create valuable warehouse space and make money. And you can even find spare parts that you are in need of yourself. It’s beneficial for both parties: we’re all in this together!’

Become a seller

Not sure how to upload your excess stock? The Partslocator/PowerAll can help you to automatically upload your stock to your virtual warehouse. And if you have at least 7.500 part numbers in stock and do you want to offer all items older than 5 years via BartsParts, BartsParts will pick up the fee. Do you want more information on how to become a seller? Don’t hesitate to contact us!


Getting rid of dead stock and making cash? It’s easier than you’d think!

Do you have a large stock of parts that you want to dispose of? Selling is a great option, but doing so can be quite a hassle, especially if your spare parts are obsolete and slow-moving. What if you can leave it all to specialists, without losing any profit and with absolutely zero fees? BartsParts makes it possible. Their main goal is to provide a perfect and smooth seller experience.

Uploading & processing

It is incredibly simple to sell dead stock with BartsParts. In fact, you only need two things: a computer and dead stock, of course. The website leads you to a dealer registration form. Among others, this form asks for your contact details and company data. Once you have registered as a BartsParts partner, you can start your selling process. This process consists of only five steps, during which BartsParts takes care of most of the work.

Talk is cheap, but the 1000+ BartsPartners are proof that the system is in fact effective! Richard Paus from Paus Agroservice (NL) highlights how BartsParts takes care of everything. ‘From sales to shipping and payment: it’s perfect! The only thing we have to do as a company is to list the parts we want to sell.’

BartsParts offers multiple ways for you to submit the stock list, for example by using Excel. Just generate an Excel or CSV export of your inventory. Even better is having an API connection set up by BartsParts. If you need any help, BartsParts comes to the rescue! Their technical staff can guide you through the process, from list exporting to system integration.

Richard Paus: ‘It costs me nothing and I earn money with stock that I couldn’t sell otherwise.’

Heiko Wittrock from Wittrock Landtechnik (Germany) states: ‘It was so easy to advertise the spare parts that I have in stock and couldn’t get rid of! Since joining BartsParts, our company now has a much bigger reach. We sell our spare parts worldwide: something that we would otherwise not achieve.’

Sell any brand

Many sellers appreciate the fact that any brand can be sold, no matter how mainstream, such as John Deere, Claas and Fendt or small, such as Grimme or Veenhuis.

Torben Wiegmann from Meier-Bunge Landtechnik (Germany), for example, argues the following: ‘I sell spare parts from Fendt, Krone Husqvarna and many more through BartsParts on a very regular basis. I can get rid of slow-moving parts that are no longer common in our area, but that are still popular in other areas. In fact, we sell more than initially expected and plan to expand our stock at BartsParts.’

Sebastian Schmid from Gruma Nutzfahrteuge (Germany) agrees. ‘For us, BartsParts is the ideal distribution channel for spare parts that the end-user no longer associates with us. Through the acquisition of various companies, we have spare parts from manufacturers we have never officially distributed or from companies that no longer exist. BartsParts specializes in marketing such parts and opens up a new distribution channel for us.’


Besides the fact that you can sell any brand or spare part, BartsParts is known for its global reach. Enrico Hähnlein, parts manager at Ixplus (Austria): ‘Not only are we pleased that the old parts are no longer just in stock; they are also professionally marketed and sold. We consider BartsParts as a strong partner. We are located in Austria, but nowadays we also sell to Germany, France, Spain, Lithuania, Ireland and Sweden.’

Delivery & invoice

Once your stock is sold, the only thing you have to do is make sure your parts are packaged correctly. Henning Kristensen, logistics manager for HC Petersen & Co.’s Eftf A/S (DK): ‘Whenever a buyer is interested, we receive an e-mail asking if the spare parts are still in stock. Once the order is confirmed, we receive the shipping label through e-mail, package the spare parts, and hand them over to a transport company that BartsParts sends to our business.’  BartsParts ensures that the parts are delivered to the buyer. They have agreements with several carriers, and if you prefer a certain shipper they are more than happy to explore using that.

Finally, perhaps the most important step is receiving your money. Send your monthly invoice to BartsParts and receive your money almost immediately.

The key

It’s clear that selling spare parts through BartsParts is not only easy; it has many other advantages. Robert van der Leeden from Kraakman Staadegaard (The Netherlands) summarizes: ‘The key is that BartsParts and the sellers have the same goal: to sell as many spare parts as possible. The more BartsParts sells and earns, the more we earn as well. With BartsParts you have international reach. Otherwise, we would only serve a certain region: with BartsParts you go beyond your current market and reach customers globally.’


Cliquez, Emballez, Vendez: Argent comptant sans effort avec BartsParts

Soyez réaliste. 

Quelle proportion de votre espace de stockage est occupée par des pièces détachées que vous n’utiliserez ou ne vendrez probablement pas dans un avenir proche ? Si vous êtes un distributeur d’équipements agricoles, d’entretien d’espaces verts et de pelouses, ou de manutention, il y a de fortes probabilités que vous disposiez d’un stock important de pièces détachées. Bien qu’une bonne partie de ces pièces soit utilisée pour les réparations et fréquemment vendue, une grande quantité de ce stock (environ 30 %) circule lentement et devient obsolète.

Un espace de stockage de valeur.

Nous parlons alors de pièces qui sont moins fréquentes et qui ne sont plus utiles pour vous ou vos clients. Cependant, elles sont encore neuves et inutilisées. Vous avez peut-être certaines pièces en stock pour un nombre relativement limité de clients possédant une machine spécifique, ou des pièces devenues obsolètes en raison de progrès techniques ou d’un renouvellement de la marque principale chez votre concessionnaire. Que faire de ce capital inactif qui occupe votre précieux espace de stockage ? C’est là que BartsParts entre en jeu.

Problème courant.

Arno Verkleij, fondateur de BartsParts : “Nous avons remarqué qu’il s’agissait d’un problème fréquent pour tous les distributeurs de pièces détachées dans différents pays : d’énormes stocks de pièces à faible productivité accumulant la poussière sur les étagères des commerçants, avec de rares opportunités de vente auprès de leurs clients respectifs. Après dix ans, ces pièces détachées sont généralement mises au rebut. Non seulement cette situation est nuisible pour l’environnement à plusieurs niveaux, mais elle est également inutile, car il y aura toujours quelqu’un qui pourrait les utiliser. La solution est donc de proposer les pièces à faible rotation      à un large marché, en dehors de votre      région de distribution, avant qu’elles ne deviennent vraiment obsolètes !”


Le principal obstacle est que la vente de pièces détachées en dehors de la zone de travail du commerçant peut être un défi. Arno : “De nombreux vendeurs ne savent pas par où, ni quand, ni comment commencer. En outre, cela peut leur faire perdre un temps précieux. Chez BartsParts, nous sommes déterminés à mettre en relation vendeurs et acheteurs de la manière la plus commode possible. Nous servons de chaînon manquant entre ceux qui veulent se défaire de leurs pièces et ceux qui en ont besoin. Nous offrons un service exclusif. “

Cinq étapes.

“BartsParts fournit le maximum d’efforts pour minimiser les vôtres. Le processus de vente peut être décomposé en cinq étapes très simples et conviviales, dont la plupart sont assurées par BartsParts et ne nécessitent pratiquement aucun effort de la part du vendeur. Cela se constate dès la première étape. La première chose que nous vous demandons de faire est de dresser une liste Excel des pièces détachées que vous souhaitez vendre. Mais nous pouvons également nous connecter directement à votre logiciel ERP”. 

Une présence mondiale.

“Nous acceptons toutes les marques, tous les produits/types, tous les âges et tous les lieux”, poursuit Arno. Vos pièces sont déposées dans notre entrepôt virtuel en ligne, après quoi, nous gérons l’ensemble du processus de vente. Notre boutique en ligne attire chaque jour des milliers de clients du monde entier, ce qui augmente les chances de vente de votre stock obsolète. Lorsque vos pièces détachées sont vendues, il ne vous reste plus qu’à les saisir et à les empaqueter. Nous nous chargeons du reste et veillons à ce que vos pièces soient collectées et livrées au client     . Vous pouvez alors établir une facture et recevoir votre argent immédiatement. Nous générons déjà des ventes pour plus de 1 000 distributeurs à travers l’Europe.

Devenez maintenant vendeur.

Simple, direct et convivial : vendre des pièces détachées n’a jamais été aussi simple. Vous pouvez proposer n’importe quelle marque. Plus votre offre est importante, plus vos ventes seront florissantes ! De plus, vous pouvez décider de vos propres tarifs, et cela ne coûte absolument rien. Vous pouvez devenir vendeur en remplissant le formulaire d’inscription pour concessionnaires sur le site Web, ou contacter un professionnel pour plus d’informations. Vous rejoindrez ainsi un groupe de plus de 1 000 BartsPartenaires      qui vendent actuellement leurs pièces détachées avec succès. Les avis des négociants ne mentent pas : BartsParts est un excellent moyen de se défaire de ses pièces détachées, de gagner de l’espace et de se rapprocher d’un groupe international d’acheteurs.


Haz click, empaqueta, vende: Dinero sin esfuerzo con BartsParts

Sé realista

¿Qué parte de tu valioso espacio está ocupado por piezas de recambio que probablemente no utilizarás ni venderás en un futuro próximo? Si eres un distribuidor de maquinaria agrícola, de jardinería o de manipulación de materiales, lo más probable es que tengas un gran stock de piezas de repuesto. Aunque una buena parte de ellas se utiliza para reparaciones y se vende a menudo, una gran parte de este stock (aproximadamente el 30%) es de lento movimiento y está obsoleta. 

Valioso espacio de almacenamiento

Estas son las piezas que se han vuelto menos comunes y que ya no son útiles para ti o para tus clientes. Sin embargo, siguen siendo nuevas y no se utilizan. Tal vez tengas ciertas piezas en stock para un número relativamente pequeño de clientes con una máquina específica, o piezas que se han quedado obsoletas debido a las innovaciones técnicas o al cambio de marca principal en tu concesionario. ¿Qué hacer con este capital muerto que ocupa tu valioso espacio de almacenamiento? Aquí es donde entra en juego BartsParts.

Problema común

Arno Verkleij, fundador de BartsParts: “Nos dimos cuenta de que se trataba de un problema común para todos los concesionarios de piezas de recambio en diferentes países: enormes existencias de piezas de recambio de baja rotación que cogen polvo en las estanterías de los concesionarios, con escasas posibilidades de venta entre sus respectivos clientes. Al cabo de diez años, estas piezas de recambio suelen ser desechadas. Esto no sólo es malo para el medio ambiente en múltiples niveles, sino que también es innecesario, ya que siempre hay alguien que podría utilizar las piezas de repuesto. La clave está en empezar a ofrecer las piezas lentas a un mercado amplio, fuera de su propia región de distribuidores, antes de que se queden realmente obsoletas”.


El principal problema es que la venta de recambios fuera de la zona de trabajo del concesionario puede ser un reto. Arno: “Muchos vendedores no saben dónde, cuándo y cómo empezar. Además, esto puede suponer mucho tiempo útil. En BartsParts nos apasiona poner en contacto a vendedores y compradores de la forma más cómoda posible. Servimos de eslabón perdido entre quienes quieren deshacerse de piezas y quienes las necesitan. Ofrecemos un servicio único”.

Cinco pasos

BartsParts hace el máximo esfuerzo para minimizar el tuyo. El proceso de venta se puede desglosar en cinco pasos muy sencillos e intuitivos, de los cuales la mayoría son ejecutados por BartsParts y apenas requieren esfuerzo por parte del vendedor. Esto se nota ya en el primer paso. ‘Lo primero que te pedimos es que hagas una lista en Excel de los recambios que quieres vender. Pero también podemos conectar directamente con tu software ERP’. 

Alcance mundial

Aceptamos cualquier marca relevante, todos los productos/tipos, todas las edades y todos los lugares”, continúa Arno. Tus piezas se cargan en nuestro almacenamiento virtual online, tras lo cual nos encargamos de todo el proceso de venta. Nuestra tienda web llega a miles de clientes de todo el mundo cada día, lo que aumenta las posibilidades de venta de su stock obsoleto. Cuando tus recambios se vendan, sólo tendrás que coger y embalar los artículos. Nosotros nos encargamos del resto y nos aseguramos de que tus piezas sean recogidas y entregadas al comprador. A continuación, puede facturar y recibir el dinero inmediatamente. Ya generamos ventas para más de 1.000 puntos de venta en toda Europa.

Conviértete en vendedor ahora

Simple, sencillo y sin complicaciones: vender recambios nunca ha sido tan fácil. Puedes ofrecer cualquier marca. De hecho, cuanto mayor sea el catálogo, más fuertes serán tus ventas. Además, puedes decidir tu propio precio, y no cuesta absolutamente nada. Puedes convertirte en vendedor rellenando el formulario de registro de distribuidores en la página web, o poniéndote en contacto con un profesional para obtener más información. Al hacerlo, te unirás a un grupo de más de 1.000 BartsPartners que actualmente están vendiendo sus recambios con éxito. Las críticas de los distribuidores no mienten: BartsParts es una gran manera de deshacerse de los repuestos, crear espacio y llegar a un grupo internacional de compradores.


Klik, verpak en verkoop: moeiteloos cash met BartsParts

Wees eerlijk

Hoeveel van jouw kostbare ruimte wordt in beslag genomen door reserveonderdelen die je waarschijnlijk in de nabije toekomst niet zult gebruiken of verkopen? Als dealer van agro-, tuin- en parkmachine onderdelen  is de kans groot dat je een grote voorraad reserveonderdelen hebt. Hoewel een groot deel daarvan wordt gebruikt voor reparaties en vaak wordt verkocht, heeft een ander deel van deze voorraad (ongeveer 30%) een lage omloopsnelheid en is verouderd.

Kostbare magazijnruimte

Dit zijn de onderdelen die minder gangbaar zijn geworden en niet langer nuttig zijn voor jezelf of jouw klanten. Ze zijn echter nog nieuw en ongebruikt. Misschien heb je bepaalde onderdelen op voorraad voor een relatief klein aantal klanten met een specifieke machine, of onderdelen die verouderd zijn geraakt als gevolg van technische innovaties of verandering van het hoofdmerk bij jouw bedrijf. Wat te doen met dit dode kapitaal dat jouw waardevolle magazijnruimte in beslag neemt? Dit is waar BartsParts van pas komt.

Veelvoorkomend probleem

Arno Verkleij, oprichter van BartsParts: ‘We zien dit als een veelvoorkomend probleem bij alle dealers van reserveonderdelen in verschillende landen: enorme voorraden reserveonderdelen met lage omloopsnelheid die verstoffen in de schappen van dealers, met beperkte verkoopmogelijkheden bij hun klanten. Na tien jaar worden deze reserveonderdelen vaak afgevoerd. Dit is niet alleen slecht voor het milieu op meerdere vlakken, maar ook onnodig, omdat er nog steeds klanten zijn die de reserveonderdelen goed kunnen gebruiken. De oplossing is om de incourante onderdelen aan een brede markt aan te bieden, buiten jouw eigen dealer regio, voordat ze echt verouderd raken!’


Het grootste probleem is dat de verkoop van reserveonderdelen buiten het werkgebied van de dealer een uitdaging is. Arno: ‘Veel verkopers hebben geen idee waar, wanneer en hoe te beginnen. Bovendien neemt het veel kostbare tijd in beslag. Bij BartsParts brengen we verkopers en kopers op de meest eenvoudige en slimme manier met elkaar in contact. We zijn de ontbrekende schakel tussen degenen die van de onderdelen af willen en degenen die ze nodig hebben. Een unieke dienstverlening.’

Vijf stappen

BartsParts doet de maximale moeite om die van jou tot een minimum te beperken. Het verkoopproces kan worden onderverdeeld in vijf simpele en intuïtieve stappen, waarvan de meeste door BartsParts worden uitgevoerd; de verkoper hoeft nauwelijks iets te doen. Dit blijkt al bij de allereerste stap. ‘Het eerste wat we jou vragen is om een Excel-lijst te maken van de reserveonderdelen die je wilt verkopen. Maar we kunnen natuurlijk ook rechtstreeks aansluiten op jouw ERP-software.’

Wereldwijd bereik

‘We accepteren elk relevant merk, alle producten/soorten, alle leeftijden en alle locaties’, vervolgt Arno. ‘Jouw onderdelen worden geüpload naar ons online virtuele magazijn, waarna wij het hele verkoopproces verzorgen. Onze webshop bereikt dagelijks duizenden klanten wereldwijd, wat de verkoopkansen van jouw verouderde voorraad vergroot. Wanneer jouw reserveonderdelen zijn verkocht, hoef je alleen de artikelen maar in te pakken. Wij zorgen voor de rest en zorgen ervoor dat jouw onderdelen worden opgehaald en afgeleverd bij de koper. Vervolgens kun je dan direct factureren en jouw geld ontvangen. Wij verkopen al voor meer dan 1.000 dealer vestigingen door heel Europa.

Word nu verkoper

Simpel, duidelijk en makkelijk: reserveonderdelen verkopen was nog nooit zo eenvoudig. Je kunt elk merk aanbieden. In feite, hoe groter de selectie, hoe meer je zal verkopen! Bovendien bepaal je zelf jouw prijs, en het kost absoluut niets. Je kunt verkoper worden door het dealer registratieformulier op de website in te vullen, of neem contact op met een professional voor meer informatie. Door dit te doen, sluit je je aan bij een groep van meer dan 1.000 BartsPartners die momenteel hun reserveonderdelen met succes verkopen. De beoordelingen van de dealers liegen er niet om: BartsParts is een geweldige manier om van reserveonderdelen af te komen, ruimte te creëren en een internationale groep kopers te bereiken.


Click, wrap, sell: effortless cash with BartsParts

Be realistic. How much of your valuable space is taken up by spare parts that you probably won’t use or sell in the near future? If you’re a dealer of agricultural, green- and lawn care, or material handling equipment, chances are that you have a large stock of spare parts. While a good portion of those are used for repairs and sold often, a large chunk of this stock (approximately 30%) is slow moving and obsolete. 

Valuable warehouse space

These are the parts that have become less common, and are no longer useful for you or your customers. However, they are still new and unused. Perhaps you have certain parts in stock for a relatively small number of customers with a specific machine, or parts that have become obsolete due to technical innovations or change of lead brand at your dealership. What to do with this dead capital taking up your valuable warehouse space? This is where BartsParts comes into play.

Common issue

Arno Verkleij, founder of BartsParts: ‘We noticed this as a common issue for all spare parts dealers in different countries: huge stocks of slow-moving spare parts catching dust on dealers’ shelves, with low sales possibilities among their respective customers. After ten years, these spare parts are usually scrapped. Not only is this bad for the environment on multiple levels, it is also unnecessary, as there is still always someone that could use the spare parts. Key is to start offering the slow moving parts to a broad market, outside of your own dealer region before they really become obsolete!”


The main problem is that selling spare parts outside of the dealer’s working area can be a challenge. Arno: ‘Many sellers do not know where, when and how to start. Besides, it can take up a lot of valuable time. At BartsParts, we are passionate about connecting sellers and buyers in the most convenient way possible. We serve as the missing link between those who want to get rid of parts and those who need them. We offer a unique service.’

Five steps

BartsParts makes the maximum effort to minimize yours. The selling process can be broken down into five very simple and intuitive steps, of which most are executed by BartsParts and require barely any effort from the seller. This already shows at the very first step. ‘The first thing we ask you to do is to make an Excel list of the spare parts you want to sell. But we can also connect directly to your ERP software.’ 

Worldwide reach

‘We accept any relevant brand, all products/types, all ages, and all locations’, Arno continues. ‘Your parts are uploaded into our online virtual warehouse, after which we handle the entire sales process. Our web shop reaches thousands of customers worldwide every day, which increases the selling chances of your obsolete stock. When your spare parts are sold, you only need to grab and pack the items. We’ll take care of the rest and make sure that your parts are picked up and delivered to the buyer. You can then invoice and receive your money immediately. We already generate sales for more than 1,000 dealer outlets across Europe.

Become a seller now

Simple, straightforward, and smooth: selling spare parts has never been easier. You can offer any brand. In fact, the bigger the selection, the stronger your sales will be! Additionally, you can decide your own price, and it costs absolutely nothing. You can become a seller by filling out the dealer registration form on the website, or contact a professional for more information. By doing so, you’ll join a group of over 1.000 BartsPartners that are currently selling their spare parts successfully. The dealers’ reviews don’t lie: BartsParts is a great way to get rid of spare parts, create space, and reach an international group of buyers.

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Dealer of the Year 2020

What a year it has been! 2020 was one of the most unique and challenging years we have ever had. Looking back we see 12 months of turbulence combined with an overwhelming increase in orders and struggle to keep up. We are entering 2021 with excitement and readiness for continued growth and expanding portfolio of valued partners. We would like to share with you some of the good stuff that happened over the past year.

BartsParts welcomed the first Spanish and Danish dealers and we made a big leap in increasing the number of partners in The Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, France and Germany. We ended the year with 650 dealers signed on as partners allowing us to offer over 100M EUR inventory to our customers all around the world. The number of visitors and customers in our stores doubled, which many of you will have noticed in increase of sales.

You, our partners, are the ones who have made this success possible for both you and us. We did have some struggles and sometimes were not able to keep up with the growing inventories, connecting you timely. We also had times during the migration to our new ecommerce platform, where we had an increase in order issues. We could not be more thankful for the cooperation, flexibility and commitment you showed us.

This is why we organize our annual Dealer of the Year award; a thank you to our partners, the core of our business, and perhaps a little incentive to keep working as hard as you are doing right now. The award is given to the highest scoring dealer of the year, based on generated revenue as well as customer support.

With so many of you giving it your best, it was not an easy decision. But in the end, two dealers stood out. The winners of the Dealer of the Year 2020 are…

  • Kraakman – Staadegaard Lieshout, from The Netherlands
  • Zörb – Landtechnik e.K., from Germany

Both partners have strongly supported us with their stock volume, accuracy and speed of follow up to all our requests. Together they generated close to 700 orders from BartsParts, a significant increase of sales from the previous year.

The Dealers of the Year will each receive a fabulous “BartsBasket” so that they can celebrate with their teams.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all for supporting BartsParts every single day!

A look into 2021

With the goals reached in 2020, we have even more ambitious goals for 2021. For 2021 we will register 500 more dealers across Europe, some of them already waiting since last year. This will increase our joint inventory value to well over 170 M EUR, broadening our offering, generating more sales for all of you.

We love being your customer! Help us buy more and more spares from you this year!

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BartsParts presents a new webshop!

BartsParts has been facing continuous growth since 2019. Even during the past few months, that have been strange times for all of us, BartsParts has kept on growing: since January sales on our store have more than doubled. We currently hold over 700.000 different part numbers, provided by more than 650 different dealers and the numbers are still growing.

But, with more traffic, more dealers and more inventory, come more problems. Therefore, we would like to apologize for any issues that you may have experienced with your orders. We are doing our best to fix all the issues to keep serving you as well as we like. That is why we are happy to announce that we will be migrating our website to a much more efficient platform: this will improve the efficiency in synchronization issues with inventories, while maintaining the fast-buying experience you are used to. We’re sure you are going to like it!

You will shortly receive additional emails with more details!

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The past and the future: SAME, brand of the month

Our love for oldtimers will never fade away. But on the other hand, who is not amazed by the technical innovations that make farming as easy as ever? Let’s take a look at how tractors have developed, as we compare the oldest SAME tractor to the newest.

The brand of the month, SAME, can’t be separated from the world of agriculture. Its rich agricultural history and contribution to the technological development of our machines make the ordinary Italian proud.

Although the brand SAME was not established until 1942, the founders of SAME, the Cassani brothers, broke new ground by being the first to install a diesel engine in a tractor: the Cassani Tractor 40 hp. A progressive project at the time, but nothing compared to the latest SAME line of tractors, The SAME Virtus Family. Although both have shown great innovation for their respective time frames, the differences are, unsurprisingly, enormous. Let’s see how they match up.

Before the diesel and other forms of engines were invented, efficiency was a large issue that tractors had. The average steam engine would have an efficiency rate of 10%, meaning that 90% of energy would get lost. The inventor of the diesel engine, Rudolf Diesel, was determined to improve the efficiency to a rate of 75%. Unfortunately, Rudolf Diesel was not able to observe his invention achieve an efficiency higher than 25%, which was still an accomplishment considering the average steam engine efficiency. The Cassani 40 hp was sustainable, but nothing compared to its older brothers of the SAME Virtus family. Utilizing technology like turbo-intercooler forced induction and electric engine management, efficiency rates can get up to around 50%. Simply put, the modern day SAME tractor saves twice the amount of fuel that the Cassani hp 40 consumes.

One thing is for sure, the Cassani hp 40 won’t be able to carry the load of maintaining the average farm nowadays. With 40 horsepower and a maximum speed of 15 km/h, the Cassani is nothing compared to the Virtus, where models start with 110 horsepower and maximum speed starts at 40 km/h. The Virtus is a true all-round workhorse, suitable for nearly all tasks that need to be taken care of on a daily basis. Its loading capabilities, power and versatility show how agricultural machinery has grown since the time of the Cassani, now that we are able to combine many different functions into one tractor.

And let’s not forget about the comfort. Oldtimers may be fun, but they don’t score high on comfortability, at least compared to the Virtus. Besides the fact that a complete cabin was missing from the Cassani, luxurious features such as optional air conditioning, a color-based, clear and simple dashboard and even a cool box to store your sandwiches are only a few examples of how the comfortability has changed.

No doubt, the technological developments have been evolutionary and made farming as easy as ever. But something about that simplicity and uncomfortability of those oldtimers, like the Cassani, still appeals to us. The comparison of these SAME tractors could not express that any better.

Oh, by the way, you may want to check out the page of the Brand of the Month, SAME, where you will find over 7000 parts for your SAME machine. Don’t forget to use the code SAME12 for a 12% discount on all SAME products.

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4 ways you can contribute to a sustainable agricultural sector

As the world’s population keeps growing and our environmental awareness is higher than ever, the pressure on the agricultural sector increases. After all, it is our sector that is responsible for feeding billions of people around the globe, whilst ensuring that we are not negatively impacting the environment. These are our top 4 ways you can make your contribution to the environment more sustainable.

1. Natural Pest Management

One of the biggest challenges we face when farming is pest management. Although synthetic pesticides or other chemicals are easy to use, it doesn’t serve as a long term solution and could negatively affect the soil. Natural Pest Management is the key to long-term sustainability and soil health. A diverse composition of crops is one way to naturally manage your pest, as pests are often attracted to one type of crop, and the presence of other crops keep them away. Another method would be to provide habitat for pest-eating predators. These could be ladybugs and fly parasites, but also birds and bats.

2. Crop diversity

Yes, economically it may seem more profitable to only grow a single crop in the field. Perhaps it is the only crop there is true demand for in your local market, or other crops simply do not grow as well in your climate. This monoculture, however, exhausts your soil, strongly degrading its quality. Planting a diversity of crops does not only keep your soil of great quality, but crop diversity also means more genetic diversity, meaning your crops are less susceptible to disease.

3. Drip irrigation

Traditional sprinkler systems cause more harm than you may think. Not only do they cause salinization, but they are not particularly economical when it comes to water usage. Try drip irrigation; a system where tiny holes are inserted at several points along a hose, allowing the water to slowly drip out of these holes exactly at the points where you need water. Save some water and irrigate your crops more accurately, what more could you wish for?

4. Buy & Sell at BartsParts

Yes, our platform is very sustainable! Sustainability was one of the main missions the company had in mind when it was established. Parts laying in warehouses for over 10 years are usually scrapped. Many obsolete parts are disposed of and much waste is produced. BartsParts makes sure supply and demand meet each other, as dealers have the opportunity to sell their obsolete stocks, extending the item’s lifespan. Farmers can find and buy hard-to-find parts that are not available at their local dealers. Not to forget, imagine the energy that is saved on manufacturing new parts for machines when old parts can be easily found at BartsParts. Do you want to know more about our business model? Check out how to buy & sell at BartsParts here.