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‘Due to a global shortage of spare parts, now is the time to sell yours!’

Do you have any doubts whether you should sell your obsolete spare parts? Maybe you don’t have the time to list your inventory, you’re not sure whether it will actually sell or you don’t think it’s worth the effort? Doubt no longer!


Many people in the agricultural sector are confronted with a shortage of spare parts. This is caused by a number of factors, such as temporary Covid-19 shut downs of factories, interruptions in logistical flow and general labor shortages. Michiel Nijhuis, CEO of BartsParts, sees the impact. ‘Lately, the order volume at BartsParts has increased substantially. We see more and more dealers buying through BartsParts, driven by the fact that they cannot find the parts through their common supply channels or the classic webshops. We also see our connected dealers expanding the inventory they are offering on our platform, which obviously increases their sales, especially now that so many people are trying to get their hands on parts they desperately need.’

Everything you need from more than 1,000 warehouses

BartsParts is everything but a local dealer or regular webshop. BartsParts allows access to more than 1.000 warehouses spread across Europe, gathered in one place: online, where buyers and sellers unite. Imagine you need a very specific spare part for your tractor, but you’re one of the few users of that brand in your region. Chances are low you’ll find the spare part at your local dealer due to the spare part shortage. But try BartsParts and shop at more than 1.000 dealers that are currently selling beyond 1.000.000 unique parts; you can find practically everything you need from any of the 1,600 brands offered!

Help fellow dealers and farmers

Long story short: if you need spare parts, BartsParts is the ideal solution. But BartsParts could not exist without sellers. Michiel: ‘By publishing your (excess) stock on BartsParts, you can help fellow dealers and farmers that cannot find their parts elsewhere. It’s a win-win: Not only do you help your colleagues, but at the same time you can get rid of your spare parts, create valuable warehouse space and make money. And finally, you can find spare parts that you are in need of yourself. We have seen our inventory grow by 50% in the past few months alone. We are all in this together and can all benefit!’

Still doubts about how the process works? Just click here for a short video.

Do you use Bever software? Become a seller

Not sure how to upload your excess stock? The Bever PowerAll/Partslocator can help you to automatically upload your stock to your virtual warehouse. And if you have at least 7.500 part numbers in stock and do you want to offer all items older than 5 years via BartsParts, BartsParts will pick up the fee. Do you want more information on how to become a seller? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
